Navigating Chronic Illness With a Family Medicine Doctor

Dealing with a chronic illness can feel exhausting, and it may be hard to figure out where to turn for treatment. Dr. Paul Keinarth and Dr. Kelly Alberda at Family Health Center are proud to serve those living with chronic illness in Austin, TX. Here, we'll explore how working with a family medicine doctor can help to manage and treat chronic illnesses.

What Is Chronic Illness?

Chronic health conditions are diseases that persist for a year or longer. Among others, these conditions include heart disease, cancer, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, obesity, COPD, asthma, and cystic fibrosis.

If you've been diagnosed with a chronic disease, it's important to work closely with a qualified health professional to treat the condition and/or mitigate your symptoms.

Treating Chronic Health Conditions

When you work with your family doctor to treat chronic health conditions, you'll get the benefit of a medical professional who understands your baseline and can see progress over time. Your family medicine doctor could also help you become more active, improve your nutrition, and reduce or eliminate your use of alcohol and/or tobacco.

It's important to see your doctor regularly over time as you move through the chronic disease treatment process. Sometimes, it can take some troubleshooting to find an approach to treatment that works well for you. When you see your doctor regularly, they're able to notice changes in your symptoms and provide new treatments that may help you reduce or prevent discomfort.

Call Dr. Paul Keinarth and Dr. Kelly Alberda at Family Health Center in Austin, TX for Chronic Disease Care

Our Austin, TX chronic disease team will strive to help you feel your best. No matter what type of chronic illness you're dealing with, Dr. Paul Keinarth and Dr. Kelly Alberda at Family Health Center are here to support you. Reach out to our Austin, TX team today at (512) 459-9889 to learn more about our practice and schedule your first appointment.

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